It begins.

I have kept opinions at a whisper as far as politics are concerned. People become very fevered when this topic crops up – as it does so often in today’s world. Understandable. This word encompasses the very framework of our system. The corporeal makeup of our society – guardrails, expectation, and our sense of fairness. When this framework is corrupted, society itself tends to crumble apart.


Society is a peculiar word. We look at it in many terms, but it primarily means a group of people. In nearly every definition, two key facets occur: similar interests and structure. What happens when a society no longer shares similar interests? What happens when structure harms the society it is set to protect? Worst still, what happens when said “structure” is in profound opposition to any similar interest the community is likely to hold? That – my friends – is no longer society. It’s simply a form of control.

Conquerors have often played a part of the history of man – some claiming to subjugate for the common good, some much more honest in their stated approach. There is one thing that I know for certain: we are a conquered society. We may not bend knee to a king or dignitary, but we bow our will all the same. We are constantly subjugated to the whims of our masters, under the prowess of right, but unabashedly by might. We have known for some time – as long as time has been a factor – that people that wish to control us are rarely satisfied with absence of harm. They want benefit. They want exalted. They want us to be afraid.

Fear is a powerful weapon.

It has kept subjects “in line” no matter the kingdom. No matter the size, no matter the will to fight, FEAR is the ultimate tool of the conqueror. Those without fear, we say, are fools. We fear that lack of fear might cause us harm. While this may very well be true, it is inexcusable to fear a power that we smaller ones protect. We feed it, keep it hardy; we allow this obstruction to live. We, the collective society, have far more power than any government can wield — for a conqueror, without subjects, can no longer call themselves such. As power always tends to consolidate in absence of adequate opposition, there should be NO FEAR felling the mighty when those less powerful account for so much.

We should not be afraid of starving the thing that says we’ll die if it should starve.

Casey Dwayne

We must weaken it. Keep the fruits of our labor. Strengthen ourselves. Let abominations fall.

So I write these things not to cause anger: not to provoke, not to incite. I write these things to inspire: to rekindle the ideas of the young – before hardship made us bitter; when fairness was a right, not something that’s won. To recapture ideas that were paid for by blood. To offer reprisal for damages done by unseen forces that warred when we thought we had won. To grant relieve to hundreds upon thousands that hope is not something far lost. To begin again, through commonality, and unite us against our fake friends. To end The United States of America, not in country, but in name. To reclaim what has always been ours, but held through loan for far too long. To regather freedom, snared in the clutches of conquerors, charlatans, and marauders. To fight counterfeit countrymen – not those that stand beside us – but those that would stand above us. To end their conquest, and prevent such aggressors from ever routing us again. To regain semblance, no matter how small, of society once again.

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